Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Milking it

Thanks for your answer to the bugbear question Kirsty - I can see that this will be a great forum of education and knowledge sharing for both myself and you and your friends ('hello' to you all!).

Another thought crossed my mind today and has often done so in the past. When and who was it that found out that you can get a nutritious and tasty drink from the hanging udders of a cow? Did someone fall asleep or under one and taste it by accident? Or did someone think 'why don't I squeeze this, see what comes out and then add a bit to my tea'?


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That is so weird! Last night I couldn't get to sleep! Why? Because all I could think about was, who decided to put milk in tea and coffee! Why milk? Why not orange juice. I am fairly freaked out by this! Our minds must be somehow connected!

Fiona said...

Umm!!! That's interesting Kirsty (?)

? said...

Bizarro! Ok what am I thinking now?.....

Anonymous said...

Umm, most likely about sleep, or food!

Anonymous said...

Are you somehow implying this is my blog Fiona? You are in actual fact wrong! I have written none of those posts! I promise, and I wouldn't lie!

Fiona said...

Must be someone VERY close to you then!!

Anonymous said...

I texted someone today at the exact same time they texted me too! What's going on?!

Liz said...

Are you DOM?

Are you Nigel?

Have you known Kirsty for longer than 5 years?

Dawn said...

I think it's Dom!

? said...

Sorry folks. I'm not Dom. I have known Kirsty for over 5 years (if that helps?)